Bypassing Android Lock Screen using Linux

Linux Terminal and adb tools

 What You Need:

  1. A computer running a Linux distro or Windows+Cygwin
  2. USB cable to connect your phone to the PC
  3. Adb installed

How to install adb:

  1. Open Terminal
  2. Type:
    'sudo apt-get install android-tools-adb'
  3. Hit [Enter] and follow the instructions until everything is installed.


  1. Connect you (turned on) Phone to the Computer via USB.
  2. Open a terminal window.
  3. Type:
    adb devices
    adb shell
    cd data/system
    rm *.key
  4. Reboot your system.

If you followed the steps properly, you have successfully bypassed android lock screen.

Note: Do not use this trick to trespass someone's privacy which is considered a punishable crime.
