Make Your Compute Shutdown Later Automatically

There are times when you want Window to shutdown your device automatically after a specific countdown. Windows has not provided this feature yet. But, by a simple way, you can totally trick your way into to shuting down your PC/laptop at specific time automatically.


1. Right click on my desktop
2. Select 'New'. Then select 'Shortcut'.
Shutdown PC

3. You will be prompted with a window containing this message:
 “What item would you like to create a shortcut for?”
4. Enter the following line into the dialog box:
   'shutdown -s -t 600'
    60 seconds mean 1 minute. So, 600 seconds means 10 minutes. Set it according to your requirement.
5. Click 'Next' and then save the file on whatever destination you like. 

6. Now, all you need to do is to open the shortcut you created and the shutdown's countdown will start. A notification will show up confirming that you have followed the procedure properly and would confirm this trick is going to work.
