Automatically Download Subtitles on VLC

Watching movie and can't find subtitles?
Bored off using different subtitle sites and ending up with wrong ones?
Here comes an end to this problem.

Downloading subtitles has been an issue for movie fans from the beginning of SRT/SUB era. Well, the problem has been minimized and within some time, we will come up with a permanent solution to this problem.

The tool being used for this purpose is VLSUB; an extension of VLC media player.

To download and install this tool, follow the given procedure:

  1. Download the VLSub extension ftom the following link:
  2. Unzip the '' into your desired destination.
  3. Now, copy the vlsub.lua file into the destination according to your OS.
    The destinations according to different OS are following:

  4. Now, open VLC media player and click View option in menu bar.
  5. Click the 'VLSub **.**.**' option on the end of the list.
    (Assuming that you pasted the vlsub.lua file into correct destination).
  6. The following window will appear.

  7. Type the name of the movie in the Title text box.
  8. Select your desired movie from the list which would appear.
  9. Choose the most accurate search result and your subtitle is downloaded.

    Enjoy your movie.
